

As promised I am trying to get back on my daily posting abilities!

So here ya go!

Breaking News:
I am on BlogLovin'! Not sure what this means yet...but I am on there! I never used Google Reader but from what I can infer it is a lot better than just reading on Blogger. So because of the discontinuing of it, I have found myself on BlogLovin'.

Good news everyone- Its already Thursday!
Where has this week gone? Im glad it passed quickly because I have all of next week off! Yay for sleeping in & being lazy... But I think the Cheesecake Factory is going to make an appearance in my life in the near future! Definitely hopefully.

I have been enjoying myself by struggling to catch up on all my favorite reads! If you havent seen the left column- I recommend that you sneak a peek at it sometime soon! Its labeled appropriately "I Love" because I do love them!

Also- Im following Whitney @ I Wore Yoga Pants to Work with her Thankful Thursday!

So here you go- a couple things that Im thankful for this week!

1. Spring Break!! Cannot wait!! So much sleep to be done!!

2. Lana Del Rey! Love her. Why havent I started listening to her earlier? If you havent heard her amazing voice you are definitely missing out. You can buy her Born To Die: The Paradise Edition of iTunes. It includes her first album and her second one!

3. Sun Tan City! Love this place. Im addicted & I would be the first to tell you that I am. I cannot help but find myself there almost everyday. Maybe its because even after 2 months of dealing with psoriasis it still hasnt completely disappeared from my fair skin.

What are you thankful for this Thursday?

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