
looking down

For me I feel like I spend a lot of time looking down. Sometimes physically and sometimes just with my outlook on things. I spend a lot of time <just like anyone else> looking down at my phone to make sure I am not missing out on something on one of the million different social media apps I use. I appreciate modern technology a lot but the week I spend at camp every summer when they take our phones is such a blessing. No one tries to get a hold of you and you don't have to worry about checking in with anyone because they know where you are. It's a truly brilliant plan on the camps part. You spend a lot more time in the moment and I think that's why some of my favorite memories are from camp.

I am always one that has struggled with self-confidence/esteem. Whether if it's when I am getting dressed in the morning, on the beach or anytime a good portion of my stomach is exposed I can't help but staring down at it. Sometimes I wish it would just shrink itself but I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication for this to happen. <reference to the time I dropped 30 lbs> It's times like this when I was I could see how I truly look from someone else's perspective. We all view ourselves differently than how other people are seeing us. This goes hand-and-hand with the love/hate <mainly hate> relationship with the scale hiding currently in the closet of my bathroom. It's an evil demon that should rarely be released.

Me when I get the scale out
Other times I forget to count my many blessings. I have a lot to be thankful for. I live a comfortable life due to my amazing parents who support me in many ways. In life it's hard to not look down on certain situations. Negativity comes easily to me. That's just the way I have always been. I think it's because I have high expectations of other people and I've learned this probably isn't the best way to go about it. People let you down. It happens. Move on and get over it people! <Tough love>

I am her <Leslie Knope// Amy Poehler>

There's so much more to be happy about then relying on someone else to fulfill you. Happiness comes from within. It's very much so an internal thing. As I get older I believe that I am slowly learning that it is waste of energy and my time to be so darn negative. There's too much beauty in every situation rather than getting yourself hung up on the one little part of it.


do you ever just...

Do you ever just...Go on an instagram following streak?

Yesterday I got on my must recent one. I just couldn't stop...I think  that's what you call an addiction. I started off just following fellow bloggers and women who post cute stuff. And then I moved on to the interior design part of instagram. It was like a whole new beautiful world that I just discovered for the first time. And then somehow I ended up on cats. If you know me I am completely and utterly obsessed with these four legged creatures. I'm pretty sure they are obsessed with me too because on multiple occasions they have found me when I'm in random spots; i.e. shopping on vacation, when I took my senior pictures (find those here) and I have had them just show up in my back yard. If it were up to me I would constantly live my life like so..

Gotta love me and all my parks & rec references. I promise you they will never end.

Do you ever just...Read an article about this new healthy idea and then think it will change your whole life?

WELL, I cant exactly pinpoint where I read the article but needless to say it gave reasons why you should drink water infused with fresh sliced lemons.
<Guess here what I've been drinking a whole lot of lately>

Yup. Lemon water. When I first read the article I was like oh heck no I am not about to be making what is commonly known in my family as "a poor girl's lemonade"...or at least that is what my Nana calls it. This is when you are so cheap that instead of actually ordering lemonade when you go out to a restaurant you order a water, add a lot of lemons and some sugar and then you have made your own lemonade. I always thought this might be the weirdest part about my Nana.

Potential Benefits of Lemon Water:
1. Clears up your skin
2. Helps boost your metabolism- a girl's best friend!
3. Cleaner teeth

I hope I'm not making these up...I'm sure there are some downfalls to drinking lemon water but I will just ignore those for now. Maybe eventually I'll end up drinking my Starbucks green tea. Oh well it's going to be worth the try.

Drink your lemon water people!!!!


take yourself on a date

First and foremost I am elated to say that I am going to do my best to try and keep up with this darn blog! I have forgotten how much relief I find when I am writing what is on my heart// mind. Sometimes I just get really discouraged that no one is reading// no one relates to what I am writing about. Hopefully that is not the case. I am really excited about the changes I made to the layout of the blog. I felt as if Some Blonde's Thoughts needed a change that keeps up with the changes that have happened// continue to happen everyday.

a lesson i've learned:

When you're in a relationship with someone for so long you kind of lose sight of what it was like to do things alone. Since in the last year I have had the opportunity of being single, I have gotten to do more of the things I love & make me happy. It has made me feel as if I am not ready to be in a relationship at all. At least for a while. I never realized how great// empowering it feels when you spend time by yourself. That's not something I want to let go of. I know that sounds super selfish and it totally is and I get that. I also understand that when you are in a relationship you can still go out to do things by yourself but you will always feel some sort of obligation to invite your boyfriend// girlfriend. I am NOT ready for that! 

So for here on out until I meet someone who completely blows me away I will be in a relationship with myself. For the first time in 18 years I am going to start putting myself on a high priority list. I don't see anything wrong with that. So if I want to stay in one night instead of going out with friends, I'm going to do that. If I want to aimlessly walk around Target for two hours, I'm going to do that. Binge watch a new Netflix series? Heck yeah! I'm going to do that, too! Doesn't it just sound like a total given? Why haven't I started this before? I highly recommend you taking yourself out on a date. Go to Panera and get yourself a mango smoothie or go to a movie! Nothing can feel more satisfying then doing something you want to do. 

Take it from Ann Perkins