
snow snow snow

Hello friends! As you may or may not know we have been having lots of snow in this part of the nation. I am trying to make the most of it. Its getting harder seeing pictures of our future vacation spot. Also, I have been reminiscing on summer and how tan I was yet again. Not hard to do when you're stuck in a 12 degree climate. Its crazy to think that Tuesday it was sunny, 70, and I wore shorts. I would say this is what you call "typical Kentucky weather".

Today Bailey, Bailey and myself decided to go sledding with the boys up at the school but in our spare time we built our very first snowman ever!

[berry eyes, twizler mouth, Hersey kiss buttons, carrot nose, & steelers hat]
How cute is that? Its not very big but we love it!
If you know me personally you know that I'm not the biggest fan of cold weather/ snow but I toughed up today. Threw on 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks, long sleeve t-shirt, hoodie, Patagonia, and a huge jacket all equipped with some borrowed snow boots and a north face hat and I was ready to be brave and try and enjoy myself.
[me and da girlies on the way to sledding]

I also provided a photo that I snapped during the time I spent with Emmie on Thursday! No edits to it I swear ;)
[the princess in her natural habitat]

Last night before hanging out with B&B, the fam went out to finally celebrate Dad's birthday but no pictures were taken on this occasion except one and this picture can describe how everyone was feeling based on the amount of waiting we had to do at Longhorns.
[Emma being shielded by the buzzer & large amount of flash]
Other than hanging out with Kendrick today, tonight has been pretty relaxed. I'm on my second cup of coffee (iced of course) while catching up with some friends that I haven't seen or talked to in months. Ive accomplished completing all of my homework so that I can enjoy the YL Superbowl party tomorrow! I'm sure you cant wait to see that!
Xoxo, God Bless

1 comment:

  1. oh look at that princess. em needs a sled.

    if it ever snows again, i'm in for sledding. don't forget me.


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